10 commandments in crisis management
1st Commandment: Prepare!

Did you do your homework? Is your company prepared for crises?
At the beginning of crisis prevention / crisis preparation, there should always be an evaluation of the company’s situation and the joint definition of possible crises. It is important to identify risks and evaluate them accordingly. The evaluation is linked to the development of a concept that contains action plans and manuals so that your company can act effectively and efficiently in the event of an emergency.
From alarm and notification plans to crisis communication concepts / crisis communication plans. Your concept must be adapted to your company, your activity and, above all, your existing resources. A functioning crisis management, also in communication, must have the necessary infrastructure, trained and trained staff as well as regular reviews in the form of exercises. I am convinced that minimizing or even avoiding damage in turbulent times will only work if you have made the appropriate preparations.
The first step is of course the most difficult, and mental hurdles often have to be overcome first.